The Dreaded Red Ink of Doom.

Or is it salvation?

The right editor will be your partner, helping polish your words so your story shines. But how do you know if an editor is right? A highly-acclaimed editor of techno-thrillers may be completely the wrong choice to edit your Regency Romance. 

Finding the editor that’s right for you is critical, and we offer some guidance on what to look for. If money is tight, it doesn’t mean you should settle for the wrong choice. We suggest ways to edit on a budget, including an assessment of the tools available to help you self-edit and strengthen your work.

With an eye to marketing, this month we look at what makes an ad stand out, and how to leverage the power of Goodreads to boost your author profile and sell more books. 

Add in some words of wisdom from our cover author and developmental editor Kate Pickford, you have a productive way to pass the time until your editor returns your manuscript.

Just think of that red ink as love notes to your story!