It’s Time For Your Daring Adventure

“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus

January is a month for fresh starts and looking forward to a year full of exciting possibilities. We’ve made our goals; we’ve set our plans in place. Now it’s time to put them into action. 

Hopefully, your plan for the new year includes heaps of new books. (For me, “heaps” means two. That’s where I’m at in my career. Heaps for you could mean twenty or anywhere in between.) But writing those books is only part of the equation. We need to give our book the best send-off possible. 

Whether you want to try the rapid release model, navigate the wonders of taking your book wide to all retailers, or plan on giving your book a big, splashy release, we’ve got you covered this month. And if you need some extra motivation, check out the featured author interview with the ever-inspiring Elana Johnson. 

For me, 2022 is going to look a lot different than last year. I’m stepping down as managing editor for Indie Author Magazine. It has been an amazing experience, watching this little idea become an incredible concept that the indie author world has embraced. Each month, the writers have impressed me with their talent and the heart they’ve put into their articles. But it’s time for me to cross my ocean, to focus on my writing. It’s scary, out where the waves dwarf my little ship, but I’m ready.

No matter what you’ve got planned for the new year, don’t let fear be the thing that stops you from achieving it. Because you are more than that fear, and I believe you are capable of letting go of the shoreline.

Robyn Sarty

Managing Editor

Indie Author Magazine