From Nighttime Narratives to Novels 

Ben Hale’s Unconventional Path to Writing Success

Eryka Parker

Ben Hale never could have imagined that consuming Fantasy tales as an avid young reader would reshape his life. His writing journey sparked from a love of reading, but a well-kept secret that lasted nearly fifteen years has allowed Hale to touch countless lives. Led by his budding imagination, young Hale began conjuring up his own whimsical stories as a bedtime ritual at the age of twelve.

His fascination with mental storytelling groomed his career as an acclaimed YA Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Action-Adventure author with forty-one books under his belt. Hale’s humility and passion for storytelling are evident as he shares pieces of his journey as an unlikely author. Like many indie authors, his story involves the power of perseverance, talent, and a bit of luck while taking the publishing world by storm.

An Unforeseen Route to Success

For Hale, the path to success was anything but a straight line. “I was caught reading by flashlight under my covers at night,” he reminisces. “I naturally gravitated towards Fantasy. It was just so enchanting.”

However, it wasn’t until a conversation with his wife one night that Hale realized the potential of his storytelling gift. “She asked me, ‘How do you fall asleep so fast every night?’ When I told her about the story I’d been making up for the past fifteen years, she said, ‘Tell me this story.’ And after days of sharing it with her, she urged me to write it down,” Hale recalls with a chuckle.

From there, Hale embarked on a journey of creative expression that unfolded more opportunities than he could ever dream. With three books written in just three years, he found himself at a crossroads: traditional publishing or the burgeoning world of indie publishing. “In 2012, I found out about indie publishing, and that really appealed to me,” Hale says. “I liked the idea of managing my own work and going after that. That isn’t to say I [hadn’t] tried to submit because I did and got rejected.”  

Taking a leap of faith into the indie publishing world, Hale was unaware of the remarkable success that awaited him. “It was a combination of several things and definitely a bit of luck,” he reflects. “When I released my books, there wasn’t as much competition as there is now. So anyone with a decent or well-written story tended to rise.”

And rise he did. Within six months, his earnings skyrocketed past his unassuming goal of $100 a month to an astonishing $10,000. “I stumbled into the right place at the right time,” he says, attributing his success to a relentless pursuit of improvement and a genuine passion for his craft. “I consider myself to be a decent writer, but people write [to] me and say that I changed their life. They’re reading my books with their kids and they just love it. It’s changed who they are, and to be a part of that is just amazing.”

Crafting Stories of Impact

Hale’s path to full-time authorship was not without its twists and turns. During a moment of introspection, clad in pajamas and surrounded by the soft glow of his computer screen, he contemplated the trajectory of his writing career. Despite a stable income and the success of his published works, a gentle nudge from within urged him to strive for more.

“I believe it was a prompting from God that said, ‘You’re capable of more,’” recalls Hale. Seeking to refine his skills and deepen his understanding of the craft, Hale pursued a master’s in professional writing—a decision that underscored his commitment to growth and excellence. He didn’t do it alone; his wife embarked on the journey alongside him, both of them making the choice amid the whirlwind of a growing family. 

“My wife and I always say, ‘We do everything better together.’ So we decided to pursue our master’s degrees together,” Hale says, “which is kind of nuts because at that point we had four kids, and number five was on the way. But we said, ‘You know what? Let’s go do it because we can trade off who has the kids and who’s doing classes. We can also do our homework together.’ So, we enrolled together, got master’s degrees together, and graduated together.”

The twists also exist in the intricacies of his series catalog, which consists of a world of interconnected stories and recognizable characters that span storylines and even genre classifications. “With any series [a reader] starts in, I intentionally wrote it where the reader feels like they’re exploring this world that overlaps with legacies and crossovers,” Hale says. With each installment, Hale weaves in adventure and intrigue, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the vast landscapes of his imagination.

“At the heart of my writing lies the belief that everyone matters. Any character can have an impact on the world: a protective mother, or a courageous child,” he says. Through his characters, Hale seeks to illuminate the courage and resilience found within ordinary people who face extraordinary circumstances. From valiant acts of protection to the unexpected journey of a thief with the power to steal concepts, Hale’s stories resonate with the notion that greatness can arise from the most unlikely people.

When designing his complex narratives, Hale approaches his projects with a meticulous eye for detail. “I’m definitely a plotter, but it’s on a spectrum. I sit down with a vision or idea and the major points and storylines flow from there. As far as my series, I wanted readers to feel like they could start with any one of them and anything else they read afterward feels like a sequel.” While he acknowledges the occasional need for cover redesigns to align with contemporary trends, his focus remains on crafting stories that stand the test of time. 

When asked his opinion on emerging technologies and trends, like artificial intelligence, Hale says he embraces them with cautious optimism and realism. 

“Though it can be controversial at times, I believe that AI will eventually be used in nearly every facet of publishing,” he says. “Innovation will always be essential in the writing world and anyone who pushes the boundaries of ideas introduces new genres. It’s amazing, and it creates new universes that everybody wants to jump into. … Before Twilight, vampires didn’t sparkle, and now they do … or at least some of them.” 

Charting New Narratives

For aspiring authors daunted by getting started, Hale offers simple yet profound advice: embrace courage and perseverance. He offered one of his favorite quotes from British writer and literary scholar C. S. Lewis: “Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of the highest reality.” Through his coaching and mentorship of other authors—he keeps a few slots open, he says, to help those who approach him with questions—Hale seeks to inspire others to embrace their creativity and pursue their literary dreams with unwavering determination.

Hale’s literary repertoire extends beyond the confines of a single genre. His diverse body of work spans enchanting Fantasy tales, Action-Adventures, and even the heartwarming landscapes of Clean Romance. Hale is unafraid to navigate new territories, giving his readers fresh narrative landscapes. Reflecting on his creative process to share with aspiring authors, Hale emphasizes the importance of giving your all in the present moment. “Hold nothing back in the book you’re writing now. As writers, we have this enormous, near-unfathomable potential to create. And so if we are willing to give our best now, we must believe that more will come.”

Hale’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring authors everywhere, reminding us that greatness often lies in the quiet courage to pursue our dreams against all odds. As Hale aptly puts it, “While writing my first two books, I didn’t tell a soul, besides my wife, for about two years. I was embarrassed because the idea of being a novelist was foreign. I didn’t want others to laugh in my face and I fully expected them to say, ‘There’s no way you can write a book,’” he says. “I hope that inspires aspiring authors who think ‘No one will ever be interested in this.’ Someone somewhere is yearning to hear your voice because when we write, we provide a connection, an opportunity.”

Hale released Haven of Glass, the newest book in his The Augment War series, in early April, and the journey ahead brims with promise and excitement. He has several thrilling projects in the works showcasing his genre-spanning versatility and believes his journey can serve as an inspiration for independent authors everywhere. From a nightly dream, he has created books that have uplifted and changed lives. Through his resounding courage, he illuminates a path for generations of storytellers yet to come.

Eryka Parker

Hale on an author panel at Indie Bookfest

Hale receives a first-place Royal Palm Literary Award from the Florida Writers Association in 2013 for his book, The Second Draeken War