The Perfect Polish

Formatting with Professional Programs Have you ever picked up a book and enjoyed just looking at it? You may not have recognized why, but if you learned something easily from a book, it’s likely because the design enhanced your comprehension of the material. Chances are high the designer used InDesign or Affinity Publisher to layout […]

Cover Your Backside: Creating a Full Wrap for Print Without Tears

There’s nothing quite like holding your book in your hands—an actual printed copy whose pages you can flip. For fiction authors choosing exclusivity for e-books through Kindle Unlimited, print is an easy way to dip your toe into the wide marketplace without losing those page reads. For nonfiction and children’s book authors, print often makes […]

Leaving Money On The Table: Is the Tax Office Getting More than Their Fair Share?

As your author business grows, it becomes more complex. In addition to books, maybe you’ve added a class, or merchandise, or make appearances and sell books at events. Making sure you have somewhere to accurately record all of your income and expenses will simplify your life come tax time. Needing a tool for my own […]

Consider The Bigger Picture of Business

Often as creatives, we want to stay in our creative worlds and not worry about the minutiae of the business side of things. It requires leaving our happy places and doing tedious things like accounting and spreadsheets. And worrying about money. In some circles, I’ve heard people say that it’s “selling out” to worry about […]

Normalizing Fear and Pushing Through

Distribution, especially with the growing number of avenues available to indie authors, is an important decision for any author, no matter where you are in your career. As I’ve progressed through my author adventure, my decisions surrounding distribution have changed and adapted to fit my growing skill set and bandwidth for added complexity of my […]

Editing is a Process That Many of us Love to Hate.

I’ve found that the right editor makes the process much more enjoyable and profitable. The right editor makes your words shine while keeping your voice. Mine makes me sound like me, but better! If you’re looking for an editor, I recommend our advanced article this month, The Perfect Polish. Finding the editor that’s right for […]

The Interesting isn’t Always The Most Obvious

As the designer on the team, I’m excited to provide you with several ways to up your cover game in this issue of Indie Author Magazine. But, in another life, I am an Occupational Therapist, and have worked with people with disabilities throughout my career. So I’m especially glad for our Devil in the Details […]

Susie’s New Here…

It’s true… Writing a book is overwhelming for new authors. Susie wants to write her first book. She’s joined several Facebook groups. She listens to some of the best podcasts. She’s purchased lots of books. But she’s still confused as to how to get started? Does she need an outline? Is she a panster? How […]

Discover New First Draft Strategies

In this issue, we’re continuing to follow the basic process of creating a book. Outlining last time, First Drafts this. It seems like a fairly straightforward topic. However, our writers and editors have crafted some fascinating articles we expect will provide you with some new strategies to incorporate into your drafting workflow. Planning to use […]

From the Desk of: Alice Briggs

This all started in a castle in Scotland… There are times in your life when you make a quick decision, and it pays far richer dividends than you could ever imagine. My trip to Scotland became a cascade of adventures and blessings with a fabulous group of people I may have never known but for […]