On Brand

Six Steps to Perfecting Your Business’s Brand and Attracting the Right Readers Angela Archer “Brand or be branded,” says branding expert Deb Gabor, bestselling author of Branding Is Sex. Even if you don’t have a personal brand, your readers are already branding you. The impression you leave—intentionally or not—will stick, and it will shape how […]

Four Simple Ways to Stress Less

Angela Archer According to Zippia (https://zippia.com), a job recruiting site, 83 percent of US workers experience work-related stress. But what is stress, and what’s the difference between normal stress, burnout, and depression?  Stress is about feeling overwhelmed, as though you have too much on your plate, and according to Psych Central (https://psychcentral.com), it can lead […]

How to Hook Readers with Better Ad Copy

How many ads do we see a day? The answer is hard to calculate, but according to Forbes Magazine (https://forbes.com), studies suggest we see anywhere between four thousand and ten thousand ads per day. That’s not far-fetched. Back in 2015, a marketer by the name of Ron Marshall (https://redcrowmarketing.com) set out to test the stats […]

10 Tips for Email Subject Lines

Aside from writing and publishing a new book, email marketing is often touted as the key to many authors’ success. Whether you send regular emails weekly or monthly or use list-building tactics like newsletter swaps, group promos, and reader magnets, there’s little point in spending all that time creating great content if it’s not getting […]

Ten Tips for Finding Newsletter Content Ideas 

Aside from book updates, newsletter swaps, and group promos, you might struggle to keep coming up with fresh content ideas for your newsletter. You will need to take time to figure out what your audience responds to and to build a relationship with them so you learn what makes them click on links, reply to […]

The Truth about Comparisonitis

Practice Gratitude  Instead of comparing yourself with others, try comparing yourself with where you were a year ago. Focus on how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go, and you’ll realize how successful you already are. We’ve all been there. We’ve all done it. We’ve all compared ourselves with others. We look […]

Getting a Grip on Your Author Platform by Thinking Like a Spider

If you want to sell books, don’t wait and hope that people will magically find you among 4.54 billion internet users. You need a way to cut through the noise, grab their attention, and generate sales.  People talk about having an author platform, but it can feel like an abstract concept. The internet tells you […]

Are you making the most of your book reviews?

Angela Archer Book reviews are an important part of your marketing strategy in terms of building credibility. The social proof that people are reading and enjoying your book can lead to more sales. And more sales leads to more visibility, which again leads to more sales—and more reviews. Reviews are important for a number of […]

Taming the Beast

Arm Yourself to Beat Imposter Syndrome In this final article on imposter syndrome, we’re going to take a deeper look at the psychology behind it and offer a tool kit for healthier thinking.  Everyone has a mental filter, built from our experiences, our personality, and our environment. It’s this filter that leads us to unknowingly […]