You Named It, Now REFRAME It: More Strategies for Tackling Imposter Syndrome

 In last month’s issue, we looked at what imposter syndrome is; now we’ll examine what it might look like, why we have it, and what we can do about it in order to better understand it. Identifying Individuals react and respond differently to their experience of imposter syndrome. Researchers found five common types; they are […]

Overcoming Unconscious Habits

We’ve All Seen The Quote: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” – Will Durant (Not Aristotle) Habits are funny things, aren’t they? In Atomic Habits, James Clear defines them as “a routine or practice performed regularly; an automatic response to a specific situation.” There are good […]

Naming The Beast: How to Recognize Imposter Syndrome

Recognizing Imposter Syndrome This is part one of a three part Mindset mini-series focusing on imposter syndrome. You may or may not have heard of it, you may or may not have experienced it, but it’s said to affect seven out of ten people.  Defining It’s a term first coined by psychologists in 1978, and […]

FAQs for ISBNs

What you need to know about ISBNs to make the right choices for your business There’s much to learn about self-publishing, and one aspect to understand is the role of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Here’s an overview of what they’re for, when you need them, and how to get them.  What is an […]