Dear Indie Annie: Clueless in Calgary

Dear Indie Annie,  I am desperate to fulfill my dream of being a published writer. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was a child, which I am embarrassed to say was over five decades ago. Is it too late? Have I missed the boat? I don’t even know where to start! Clueless in Calgary […]

Dear Indie Annie: Lost the Plot in Lajas

I started to write a fairy-tale retelling, but it has morphed into something more Sci-Fi. Do I let the story run away with me? Or do I force it to stick to my plan? Lost the Plot in Lajas Dear Lost, How are you, my lovely? Well, I hope, because it sounds like you have […]

Dear Indie Annie: Out of Love in Obura

I was so excited when I started my series, and now I feel like I might lose the will to live if I have to write any more. The problem is that I have a big fan base and they are clamoring for the next book. Writing is my sole source of income, so I […]

October Indie Annie

I’m constantly juggling the writing deadlines I set for myself with the deadlines I need to meet for other people. When others are relying on me to get their work done, my projects always seem to take the back burner. How do I learn to treat my writing with the same importance as the work […]

Dear Indie Annie: Mash-up in Mainz

I have a great idea, or at least I think it is, for a series of books that would be a mash-up of a couple of other famous series. I wouldn’t use the same characters or world, but the plots would be somewhat similar. But then I wonder if I shouldn’t bother because it’s been […]

Indie Annie: Builder in Batajnica

I want to write a Fantasy series, and I love Tolkien’s world-building with various cultures, geographies, and even languages. But I feel like I’m getting completely bogged down in world-building and wonder if I’m making parts of my world that aren’t even important. How do I know how much world-building to do for a rich […]

Dear Indie Annie: School of Hard Knocks in Sussex

I’m working on a series of nonfiction books that I hope will help people with issues they may struggle with. I’m not a professional in my field; I’ve just learned a lot through life experience. Can I write from my own experience? Or do I need a degree or certification to help people? School of […]

Dear Indie Annie,

I’m dyslexic, and my family says I should focus my creative energies on arts like pottery, but in my heart, I know I want to write. Are there any other dyslexic writers out there? Dyslexic in Dysart Dear …? You know, often people label themselves as Frustrated from Fairbanks or whatever, and regular fans of […]

Dear Indie Annie: Grammarless in Gravelotte

Dear Indie Annie, I’ve been criticized by teachers and even friends and family for my poor grammar. I know it’s bad, but does that mean I should give up writing anything at all? Grammarless in Gravelotte Dear Grammarless, Let’s start by changing your name, my sweet child. How about … Grammarfree? Think of grammar as […]

Wasting Time In Wabasca

Dear Indie Annie, How do I know I’m good enough? Writing a book takes time and effort. What if my novel is utter rubbish? I’ll have wasted all that time and effort. Wasting time in Wabasca Dear Wasbasca, I do love a time waster.   In fact, like many writers, I like nothing better than to […]