Wasting My Time

Dear Indie Annie, My family thinks I’m wasting my time writing. They interrupt me frequently and expect me to drop what I’m doing since they don’t think I’m doing anything important. How can I convince them I want this to be a career, not a hobby? Frustrated with Family in Flagstaff Dear Frustrated, Oh my […]

How Do I Keep An Editor From Strangling My Voice?

Dear Indie Annie, I recently completed my first book and sent it to an editor. I got the first round of edits back, and it sounds like another person wrote my book! How do I keep my editor from strangling my voice? Strangled in Strasburg Dear Strangled,  Or can I call you by the name […]

Innumerate in Indiana

Dear Indie Annie, I know I need to run ads if I want to grow my revenue, but all the numbers are making my brain hurt. ACOS, CPC, Impressions, CTR: I am trying to keep them straight, but all the acronyms and calculations are confusing me. I can’t remember what the letters stand for or […]

Dear Indie Annie,

A lot of my writing friends talk about all the conferences they go to, whether writing retreats, craft courses, or business-focused conferences. I have to admit, I just don’t see the point. I can write more at home without the distractions, and everything else I can find in books or online. Am I missing something? […]

Hectic in Harrisburg Asks About Holiday Productivity

I have a small problem, and I’m hoping you’ll have a solution for me.  On January 1st of this year, I made a commitment to write every day, and despite the myriad distractions life has thrown at me, I’ve managed to keep that going all year. In fact, I’ve just surpassed three hundred days of […]

Pressured in Peterborough Writes They Have a Fear of Finishing

Dear Indie Annie, I have a fear of succeeding, of finishing. Since January I have written two novels … well, almost two. For the last two and a half weeks, I have been frozen on the last chapter of book two. It’s actually a very simple chapter; however, it sets up everything that’s going to take […]

Extinguished in Evora Writes…

Dear Indie Annie, I have just released the fourth book in my series, and it is doing really well. Sales are good, and the fans love it and are clamoring for more. Doesn’t sound like a problem, right? There are two more books to wrap up that series, but I am tired of writing these […]

Self-Published in St. Petersburg

Dear Indie Annie, I published my first book last month. I worked really hard on it, paid for professional editing and cover, and I’m really proud of it. But when I told friends and family that I had a book out, they asked who the publisher was and what “deal” did I get. They told […]

Floundering in Fairbanks Writes…

Dear Indie Annie,  I’ve finished my first book and sent it off to my editor. While he’s ripping it apart, I’ve started looking into all the things I need to do to self-publish my book—and it’s… a lot. I’m so confused by what I need to do first. And I often find conflicting information. How […]

Nice in Newcastle Writes…

Dear Indie Annie, I love my characters. I love seeing them live out their lives, and making wonderful things happen to them. But my critique partner says my story is boring as nothing bad ever happens. How can I make my story more interesting without being mean to my characters? Help! Nice in Newcastle DEAR […]