Martelle’s Motivation: Bending the Universe to Your Will

Craig Martelle Dominate! Master the process. Work hard.  One hundred percent of your effort must go to winning, but the only battle you’ll win is the same one fought within each of us. You win against yourself—not others. As an author, it’s inevitable that your readers will compare you to their favorites and that you […]

Martelle’s Motivation: The Courage to Keep Writing

Craig Martelle Everyone is afraid of something. When it comes to your author career, there’s the fear that your book won’t be well received. That you’ll get bad reviews. That your brand will become tainted in some way. Pirates! There are a million things to send you into a dark corner, quaking.  Courage brings you […]

Martelle’s Motivation: The Time Is Now

Craig Martelle I submit that there has never been a better time to be a writer. We have to highlight the change in the publishing landscape and the advances in opportunity between 2009 and 2017—most notably the windfalls that came with public acceptance of e-books and the viability of self-publishing thanks to Amazon.  Traditional publishers […]

Martelle’s Motivation: Be Your Own Hero

2023 could have been better, but I’m a big fan of the continuous improvement mindset. What did I do right that sets me up for this year? What do I need to improve on?I take responsibility for my own actions. I got sick. I survived. I changed my forward trajectory. I focused on finishing stuff […]

Martelle’s Motivation: Staying Excited as an Author

Is the grind getting you down? The hustle of being an author? It’s understandable. In our business, there’s always so much to do. When you feel yourself sinking in too deeply, reach for the convenient vine hanging over the quicksand. What vine? It’s the one you put there yourself. It’s what got you excited about […]

Finding Joy (Not the Person but the Feeling)

Craig Martelle This career is a lesson in finding joy. How many write because they aren’t physically capable of other endeavors? It’s the best of all worlds. You get to make money doing what you dream. It’s an exceptional life, but not everyone makes it to the top. It’s a mountain, and the path narrows […]

The January Slump

I’ve been in this business for more than eight years now. I’ve studied it and watched my own ups and downs. January is coming, and if you are exclusive to Amazon, then your page-read payout is most likely going to drop rather significantly.  The biggest names in the publishing world, both traditional and indie, sell […]

Ready or Not

If you’re an author, your success is growing, even if it’s only from one book and ten readers. This status vaults you into the public eye. Are you ready? The accolades from strangers about your storytelling prowess can be strangely invigorating. The growing number of five-star reviews is intoxicating. Authors tend to work alone. We’re […]


Remember how you went from grade school to middle school to high school and then to college? How you started a new job, then moved on to another new job? Starting over is a gift. It’s a new chance to do what you couldn’t before. Maybe you were a big fish, but it was a […]

Because I Write

I’ve been writing full time for nearly eight years and have over seven million words published—a lot more if you include collaborations. This job isn’t for those who aren’t committed to themselves. You wake up. You get your coffee or tea or Diet Coke, and you think of the words waiting to be written while […]