Chasing the Unicorn

Female wearing vibrant unicorn mask jumping against wall

Your Best Book Is Always Yet to Come Craig Martelle What is the best story you ever wrote?  My answer will always be the next one. I have those that are good, and those I consider the best so far, but better lies ahead.  Otherwise, this would be a tough business. It would be soul […]

Martelle’s Motivation: First Things First

It All Comes Back to Book Number One Everyone buys the first book in a series. When you run promotions, they’ll be for the first in the series. When readers ask you where to start, it’ll be with the first in the series. When you calculate the viability of a series based on read-through or […]

Martelle’s Motivation: Take Your Backlist to the Bank

Backlist Riches Every single one of your old books is new to someone.  We struggle and fight endlessly to add readers to our newsletter lists. Beyond current and future titles, there is substantial opportunity in delivering your old titles to new fans. Introduce them to your backlist incrementally. I use sales and promotions of the […]

Believe You Can, and You will

You didn’t write your book by accident, and your author career won’t take off by mistake.  It starts with you.  If you don’t believe in yourself, how will others believe in you? Flip that switch and know that you are doing the best you can, doing better today than yesterday. What is the value of […]

Attitude of Top Indies

I work with self-published authors across the entire spectrum of success, but the main thing I see from those who head to five-figures a month and beyond is confident persistence. They will do what it takes, without compromising their principles. They write what they like, but with an eye toward what the readers want to read. It’s an overlap […]

Motivation (and Inspiration)

Craig Martelle When you don’t feel it. When the world is conspiring against you. Falling asleep sitting up. That’s when your subconscious is at its best. You have the answer to your writing woes if you only listen to what you’re telling yourself. From the dark recesses of your mind. Inspiration. It’ll be gone as […]