Hacked: How Amazon Responded to a Viral Trend that Harmed Indie Authors

A Year after TikTok Users Exploited Amazon’s E-Book Returns Policy, What’s Been Done to Protect Indie Authors? In June of last year, a TikTok trend that showed viewers a “life hack” for getting free books from Amazon caused a major stir in the indie author world. The impact and response were equally quick, with indie […]

Writing Outside the Law with the Vigilante Justice Subgenre

Gone are the days where evil-doers stalk the night, chasing down helpless victims while the law struggles to keep up. Now, a new hero rises, one not afraid to toe the morally gray line in the name of what is right. Their actions can set up the perfect adventure for readers to dig into. More […]

End Your Promo FOMO with These Paid Promo Newsletter Options

Promo Newsletter Options for Every Indie Author David Viergutz Authors have long sought ways to send their work to the masses. Pay-per-click ads, social media, direct sales events—there are a multitude of options, all with unique purposes.  The longstanding king of reaching readers has been through email, where one email blast can send your book […]

Decoding AI

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Sounds Straight Out of Sci-Fi. But What Can It Really Do? The robots are coming for your keyboards and your wallets. At least, that’s how the news may make it sound. In recent months, technological advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) programs have left every industry questioning what the future holds. The discussion is […]

Stretch It Out: Simple Yoga Poses to Try from Your Chair

As an independent writer, poring over your work, you surely maintain peak physical performance. After all, our bodies are the vessel by which we create art, right? Most likely, this isn’t the case, and between writing sprints and hours of editing, you’ve likely experienced aches in places you never knew you could. This is the […]