The Evolving Indie Author Resources

I have always seen IAM as an extension of the larger indie author community, born out of a group of international writers who met daily via Zoom and shared what they were doing to climb the mountain of success. Beyond the business chat between sprints, we also became bonded friends.  There would not be a […]

Head in the Clouds: Amazon AWS Basics for Authors 

In 1984, the first Terminator film thrilled audiences, and we were introduced to SKYNET, the network of supercomputers powering the world, described by one character as “hooked into everything, trusted to run it all … a new order of intelligence.” Back then, the concept of email was still somewhat fantastical, and the idea that homes […]

When You’re Just a Little Stitious

Like Michael Scott from The Office, I’m not superstitious, but I am a little “stitious.” I don’t open umbrellas inside. I throw spilled salt over my left shoulder. I don’t walk under ladders. And I never say, “It’s going to be a calm week.” Because that’s when you know it will most definitely not be […]

Standing Desks for Writers: Worth the Hype or An Expensive Coat Rack?

Published in 2018 by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests that adults should sit less and move more to experience “immediate and longer term benefits for how people feel, function, and sleep.” Sit Less, Move More. Thank You, Captain Obvious.  This isn’t […]

From The Publisher: The Product of Perseverance

When it comes down to a hero’s journey, the one thing that makes the story compelling is their ability to overcome the obstacle. What odds did they beat? What was previously insurmountable that they have now conquered? And, more importantly, how did they achieve success? Grit. Determination. Stick-to-it-ness. The answer, more often than not, comes […]

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Drowning‌ ‌in‌ ‌a‌ ‌Sea‌ ‌of‌ ‌Distractions‌

Like many creatives, I suffer from a terminal case of bright shiny object syndrome. I see ideas everywhere, and run after them like a puppy chasing a ball, leaving old ones by the wayside. I’ve also developed the terrible habit of stopping (too) often to check email, social media notifications, or reply to text messages.  […]

Conference Musings (Almost) Post-Pandemic

Chelle Honiker Let me introduce the non-Texan readers to a new word. WhooBuddy. It’s what we say when we’re trying to describe the indescribable. It’s just days after the 20Booksto50k® conference in Las Vegas, and the post-con letdown is real. In the (almost) post-Covid world it felt surreal to see friends and colleagues from around […]