10 Tips for Pinterest

Chelle Honiker Like many social media accounts, using Pinterest for business remains a mystery for many authors. Likely because they want to know the answer to one simple question: how will it sell more books?  The answer is that while there is no magic formula, there are some basics to master that can lead to […]

Job Post: Content Production Coordinator (Entry-Level, 20 Hours per Month)

Thanks for your interest! The position has been filled. Indie Author Magazine is seeking an entry-level content production coordinator to help us be sure things are where they’re supposed to be, when they’re supposed to be. This is an ideal position for a VA just getting started looking for more experience and new clients. Hourly […]

Breaking Up (With Software) is Hard to Do… And Expensive Too.

Chelle Honiker You could safely call me a digital hoarder. If there were a show about nerds who download and play with apps and find obscure programs to solve problems (that probably don’t really need solving) with technology, I would be its poster child. I am obsessed with trying new things. Two of my favorite […]

New Apps Released

There are few things in life as personally painful as a breakup. When you’re a businessperson, you’ll learn eventually that changing your vendors and contractors can feel much the same way. Especially if you’ve worked with them for a long period or if they’re friends, or worse, family. And trust me, it doesn’t get easier […]

From The Publisher: Graciously Critical

How To Look Back To Move Ahead When I was sixteen years old and had recently experienced my first real romantic heartbreak, my stepmother gave me a greeting card from illustrator Mary Englebreit which read, “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.” That beloved card found a home everywhere I’ve lived. The message resonated […]

Help Us Find Featured Subjects for 2022

When we started planning the magazine issues for the first two years, we decided we wanted to tell the stories of different indie authors each month. After meeting so many innovative, smart, and creative people over the past few years, we knew we would never run out of stories to tell. Foremost, our featured subjects […]

Making Money Moves: How Merch Sales Can Help Grow Your Brand

How to Use Merchandise Sales on your Website to Make Money and Grow Your Brand In today’s economy, it’s a given that relying on a single stream of income is risky business. For authors, that means looking at your books as content and finding ways to slice and dice your creative work into other methods […]