Explorers and Tour Guides

In over two decades of entrepreneurship, there hasn’t been a single successful person I’ve known, followed, or interviewed that hasn’t admitted to doubting themselves at some point. Call it what you will. I’ve distilled the many names I’ve used over the years down to ‘imposter syndrome’, ‘existential crisis’, and ‘plain old doubt’. It’s the voice […]

Get Over Yourself and Get Some Help

One September about a decade ago, I learned of National Novel Writing Month, commonly known as NaNoWriMo. Many of us have attempted to write 50,000 words in a month during that challenge, and it remains a popular and useful event. When I finally “won” after several failed attempts, I was thrilled, and more than a […]

The Business End of Good Covers: What Do They Cost Their Authors?

The Only Question is How: Sweat Equity or Actual Money? The book cover is the first impression potential readers will have of your work and is what stops them scrolling as they search for something new to read. Beside considerations of genre, title, niche, and tone, your most important question is, how do you source […]

Plans, Pivots, and Laughter

Depending on several factors, the saying “Man Plans, God Laughs” might be familiar to you as a Yiddish Proverb, a quote from author Michael Chabon, or the name of a Public Enemy Album. I’m firmly team third camp.  However you know this witticism, its truth remains. The best laid plans are often waylaid by events […]

Done is Better than Perfect

Done is better than perfect. Just finish the thing. You can’t edit a blank page. All great advice for writers when they’re in the middle of the first draft slog. Keep going. But what happens when the words literally won’t come? When the muse won’t show up? Common advice for when you’ve got writer’s block […]

From the Desk of: Chelle Honiker

  Magic and Alchemy. As indie authors, our days are filled with the wonder of words and how they weave togetherto tell tales. Sometimes, reality can be a wondrous tale too. Let me tell you mine. In 2017, I attended the Smarter Artist Summit in Austin, Texas. The conference was good, but what was exceptional […]

Staying Fit While in the Flow: Three Wellness Tips for Writers

As writers, there is nothing better than finding ourselves in the creative zone of genius, furiously pumping out words for hours at a time. Before you realize it, you’ve gone a whole day sitting in one spot, realizing only when you stand up that your joints should not sound like popping bubble wrap.  It’s possible […]