An Answer to AI Audiobook Debates?

Sounded Walks the Ethical Tightrope of AI Narration Elaine Bateman The intersection of artificial intelligence and the realm of audiobook narration has ushered in a wave of innovation, but it also brings with it a host of ethical considerations that demand careful examination. As the capabilities of AI voice cloning evolve, the ethical landscape of […]

Q&A: Sudowrite, the AI Writing Platform, Makes Its Introduction

Picture by Artsmart A.I My quarry sits across from me, fidgeting nervously, scratching sweaty palms. We’re in a hotel room hastily arranged for the interview. My cell phone is placed between us, set to record, and my notebook and pen are in hand.  I try a smile. “You look nervous.” “I’ve got a lot riding […]

Ricardo Fayet, the Friendly Face of Reedsy

As co-founder of Reedsy, Ricardo Fayet is a familiar and much-respected face in the indie publishing world. The company was formed in 2014 to curate editing and design services. Ricardo explains that its core purpose is the same now as it was then: “to provide a safe place where authors could find some of the […]

Rapid Release to Rapid Riches?

Elaine Bateman Could rapidly releasing your books be the fastest way to financial success? Well, it might be one of them. What is “rapid release?” The rapid release strategy is to publish each book quickly enough that the previous book in your series is still in its launch window, allowing you to take advantage of […]

Focus Fashionista

Changing Hats to Match Your Mindset Elaine Bateman What hat do you wear to start your working day? No, I’m not asking about your workwear fashion choices; this is about mindset. It’s about being in the moment and training yourself to focus on the right things at the right time. It’s well documented that the […]

The Origin of the Character: Creating Better Backstories

Backstory is what happened to your characters before page one of your story. Not everything—the reader doesn’t need to know what she had for breakfast on her tenth birthday, unless it led to anaphylaxis, and that pertains to the story you’re writing. Backstory adds depth to your characters. It helps the reader to connect with […]

The Pickford Papers

Kate Pickford is a name whispered in groups of authors the world over. She has written and directed award-winning movies, and found success as a script doctor, a book coach, a developmental editor, and a ghostwriter, as well as an author. If you’ve had a conversation with her at a 20Booksto50K® event in Bali, or […]

How to Find Your People and Why It Matters

Being an author is often considered a lonely existence. But secluding yourself to write feverishly and drink yourself to angst-ridden death is now terribly out of fashion. The authors of today are a new breed. We have Facebook groups and accountability groups, and meet at book fairs, Clubhouse rooms, conferences, and writing retreats. At any […]

The Many Faces of Author Collaboration

What is collaboration? When two authors love each other very much… Okay, they don’t have to love each other but the best collaborations do emerge from professional relationships based on trust, respect, and reliability. Author collaboration has many faces. Whichever method of collaboration you are considering, the important thing to remember is that this is […]