Recapping The 2021 20Books Vegas Conference

A Recap of the 20Books Vegas 2021 Conference In November 2021, roughly sixteen hundred authors descended upon Las Vegas to attend the annual 20Booksto50K® conference. Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel hosted the event for the first time, the increased number of attendees showcasing the growing popularity of the conference.  It also marked the return of the […]

Networking Tips to Conquer Your Next Author Conference

How to successfully network at author conferences Before the Conference Maximize your conference experience by planning ahead. A few simple steps can elevate your experience and ensure you get the most out of attending. Ideally, you want to stay in the same hotel as the conference is being held. You will become a familiar face […]

The Perfect Polish

“The End.”  You’ve typed the final words, and your manuscript is complete. What next? If you’re like most people, this is when you search for an editor. Even talented writers need a second (or third) pair of eyes to look over the manuscript and polish it so that it gleams. Assessing Your Needs First, assess […]

Ten Tips: Clubhouse

Clubhouse is the latest social media platform. It’s an audio-only platform where people engage in conversation in groups called “rooms.” Some rooms invite everyone to participate, whereas in others you’re only a listener. You can select your interests to help Clubhouse identify the content you want to see in your Hallway (the main page), but […]

Understanding Urban Fantasy: Essential Genre Tropes To Know

What makes a book an urban fantasy and not merely contemporary fantasy? It comes down to genre tropes. Every genre has its specific set of tropes that define it from others. Readers may not be able to name the tropes or be consciously aware of them; however, their subconscious mind will recognize them and determine […]

Featured Author: Gail Carriger

Gail Carriger writes great heroines. With thirteen New York Times bestsellers, over a million books in print, and her Parasol Protectorate Series optioned for animation, it was a natural fit for Gail to write and independently publish her latest book The Heroine’s Journey for writers, readers, and fans of pop culture. Gail identifies as a […]