Marketing Homework Any Author Can Do to Boost Book Sales

Gill Fernley It’s back to school time for the kids, but they aren’t the only ones who’ll be in class. This month, we’re reviewing a few marketing basics and giving you some homework of your own. Lesson One: Make it the best book possible Hopefully, your book is written, edited, and polished to a high […]

The Art of the Anthology: What You Need to Know Before You Submit

Nearly all writers want to make new author friends and boost their book marketing. One great way to do this is by writing for an anthology. But you should be aware of possible pitfalls before you take part, and it’s best to have a plan. Defining an Anthology An anthology is a book containing a […]

11 Ways to Earn More with Your Nonfiction Books

You’ve no doubt heard the truism, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” But if you’re a nonfiction author still selling on only one platform, your income eggs are tightly packed into one container. You can make money in a myriad of ways from your nonfiction backlist. Create multiple streams of income for yourself, […]

10 Tips for Better Feedback from Beta Readers

You’ve finally written “The End,” and it’s now time for the next stage in prepping your manuscript for publication: Find some beta readers who will take your story and help you make it better. But what’s a beta reader, where do you find these mythical beings, and how can you make the most of them? […]

10Tips For BookBub

No doubt you’re reading this, hoping we’ll divulge the ultimate secret to getting accepted for a BookBub Featured Deal. And of course, we’re going to talk about it. But there’s far more to BookBub than just that. 1) Snag a BookBub Featured Deal Well, we have to start with this one. Sadly, we can’t guarantee […]

10 Tips for Facebook

Facebook can be a great place for authors to meet and get to know other authors and readers. It’s easy to post and to add a variety of information to your posts, including emoticons, photos, and videos, how you’re feeling and what you’re doing, check-ins, and more to give people an idea of who you […]

One Step at a Time

Gill Fernley Indie authors have so much to think about and learn, and that’s before you even tackle the world’s most enormous to-do list. There’s writing, editing, finding beta and ARC readers, social media, emailing your list, and on and on. Oh yes, and having a life! So how do you get it all done […]

Setting Goals With Asana, An Organization Platform

Asana (, an organizational app, lets you set up projects and tasks, keep track of them, and nail your deadlines. With a free plan and several paid options, you can try it out to see what you think and only pay if you really need the extra users and features. While Asana doesn’t offer as […]

The Word on Formatting

Using Microsoft Word to prepare your book for publication Gill Fernley If you don’t have the budget to hire a formatter, but you’re still dying to get your book out there, the good news is that you can do it yourself. And you’ve probably already got the program we’re going to focus on. Microsoft Word. […]