Prosperity: More Formats, More Options, More Money

Honorée Corder Following this month’s theme on formats, I thought I’d share the change of heart—and mind—I had about the formats in which I opt to publish my books. When I first started publishing, e-books were the hot new thing. It was an option Amazon offered—“Would you like us to publish the e-book to accompany […]

Prosperity: Six Steps to Success

Honorée Corder Many years ago, one of my mentors echoed something I’d heard from life coach Tony Robbins in my early twenties: you are cause, not effect.  Tony said it like this: the past doesn’t equal the future. I took both to mean: I am the driver, I am ultimately in control, and I can […]

Prosperity: Writing in Abundance

Honorée Corder If you’ve been reading this column for a while and focusing on shifting your money mindset, you might have experienced a shift in your productivity too.  Perhaps you are now thinking, “How can I take it to the next level?” More specifically, “How can I get into some serious writing abundance?” As an […]

Prosperity: A Money Mindset Reset

Honorée Corder These days, everywhere you look, you’ll hear book recommendations, podcast conversations, and articles like this one suggesting that working on your money mindset is the way to go. And of course, I agree wholeheartedly. What you focus on expands. This includes your money mindset, which directly impacts your income—and yes, that includes your […]

Prosperity: See Your Goals Beyond the Murky Middle

If you’re like me, by February, the newness of the year has worn off and with it a smidge of your enthusiasm. It’s not that I’m not still excited about the goals I set back in December or the action items I devised in order to achieve them. It’s simply that we’ve now entered what […]

Getting Down to Business

This month’s topic might be my favorite of the entire year: the business of writing. Why? Because I’ve long said, as writers, we must treat what we do as a business. That doesn’t just mean building a writing routine or dedicating time to marketing your work in between releases. Those are great things to do, […]

Inner Beauty

When it comes to the formatting and design of your books, there doesn’t seem to be a clear path to ensuring readers’ expectations are met. It makes sense that readers would want an easy, bump-free read. Yet without a clear guide, it’s easy to miss little details that make a big difference. If your readers […]

Social Media Means More Book Money

Raise your hand—heck, raise both of them—if you’d rather do almost anything else than hang out on social media. Keep them in the air if, when you go to make good use of the platforms we love to hate, you end up spending way too much time yet not doing much of anything productive. Yup. […]

Professional Editing Pays Plenty

Want to ensure you make a fantastic living as a writer? Then do what the pros do and turn to editors. Why? Because crisp, clear writing creates a clean, smooth read your readers will love. And what happens when someone loves your writing?  They share it with others. It might seem counterintuitive to devote time, […]

Prosperity: From Metadata to Mega Sales

Get a handle on your book’s metadata, and you can turn your book into a veritable cash machine. Ignore the finer points of metadata, and your book might fail to find the traction, impact, and income you would really like it to have. That would be a bummer. For those of you who cringe, as […]