The Beginner Author’s Guide to BISAC Codes

Over the years, we’ve seen adaptations in how books have been categorized. The changes have been prompted by libraries, publishers, and bookstores and were put in place to make it easier for booksellers and readers to navigate the extensive, ever-growing catalog of books available. Think about walking into a bookstore and wanting to find a […]

Ten Tips: Newsletter Swaps

Roughly six years ago, a well-known Contemporary Romance author organized a book promotion. She posted the invite to participate in a Facebook group and opened it up to all authors, writing that she remembered her beginnings in the author world and that nobody would be excluded because their mailing lists were too small. Those who […]

10 Tips for Canva

Full disclosure: Canva is my friend. This user-friendly graphic design app is similar to Photoshop or Affinity. I use it for Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and my newsletter. A free account with the site can be great for mood boards, meme-making, and book cover design. For an annual $120 subscription, Canva Pro also […]

Fairy Tale Retellings Breathe New Life into Childhood Classics

Remember those first stories we heard as children? “The Three Little Pigs,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Three Billy Goats Gruff,” “Snow White,” “Cinderella,” and so many more? We could listen to them over and over again. Each time, we were delighted with the end. The main character defeated the villain, found true love, and—my favorite—lived […]

What is Women’s Fiction?

Merri Maywether In a sentence, Women’s Fiction is written by women for women. It isn’t that the genre is exclusive; men can and have read Women’s Fiction titles. However, the author writes with the female reader in mind. Relational sagas, love stories, and generational stories all make up the commercially written books that tap into […]

December and Beyond

The “What Next” of NaNoWriMo Merri Mayweather December is finally here, and we have crossed the NaNoWriMo finish line. First, and foremost regardless of the final word count, congratulations! This is where we take a self-inventory. How are we feeling? Do we want to celebrate because we’re happy? Or is there a strong urge to […]

Charge Forth into Writing

NaNoWriMo has begun Merri Maywether It is 11:59 p.m. on October 31st. Around the world, people are nestled in the safety of their homes. Stacks of candy collected in festive looking bags and decorative bowls.  At midnight, none of that is important. Because thousands of writers around the world have touched pen to paper, finger […]

Pumpkin Spice Preptober

Prepare yourself for the marathon that is NaNoWriMo To many people, October is pumpkin spice, cable-knit sweater, and soup season. In the NaNoWriMo community, October is (drum roll) Preptober. In the weeks and days leading up to NaNoWriMo, a lot of us are getting our stories and lives in order. Large chunks of time and […]

Throwing Down the Gauntlet

What Is National Novel Writing Month and Why You Should Participate Warning: This story starts and ends with a challenge. Choices have to be made. Read and walk away with insight. Read and walk away with the seed of an idea that will flex creativity, demand tenacity, and forever change the writer/story relationship. That, dear […]