From the Editor

I’ve never considered myself much of a sports fan, but the Olympics have always been an easy exception to make. I remember waking up early to watch cycling during the Rio Olympic Games in 2016 and setting reminders on my phone for gymnastics events held at the Tokyo Games in 2021. It’s a safe bet […]

From The Editor

As much as I’d like to say otherwise, there is no guidebook for being an indie author. I’ll admit, it would be a great way to market this magazine. But the same freedom that drove so many to explore our industry means every one of us approaches our business differently than the next. We’re authors; […]

First Subscriptions for Authors Summit a Unicorn among Author Events

Nicole Schroeder Most days, the Artists For Humanity EpiCenter in South Boston, Massachusetts, hosts local teenage artists and their professional mentors. In the non-profit’s open venue, amid canvas paintings hung along the walls and artwork made of reclaimed windshields that line the walkway on the second floor, students from underprivileged communities work alongside others in […]

From the Editor

Since Indie Author Magazine’s inception, we’ve tried to reflect what we’ve always believed about building a career as an indie author: that there’s no single “right” way to do it. We’ve always worked to ensure every author can see their journey somewhere within these pages, whether they choose to publish wide or remain exclusive to […]

From The Stacks

Book: How to Write Dazzling Dialogue by James Scott Bell It never hurts to brush up on the basics, and even if your book’s dialogue is great, like with any creative writing skill, it can always be made better. How to Write Dazzling Dialogue: The Fastest Way to Improve Any Manuscript compiles lectures from […]

From the Editor

Remember when the publishing industry was at odds about whether e-books would replace print books? It’s an almost comical debate to consider now, given how integral both are to many of our careers. But it’s far from the only time the book world has pitted one format against another. Just look at the posts on […]

Editor’s April Letter

Think back to when you started your author career. When did you start to consider your brand, and how did you decide what it would be?  For me, the idea of settling on one selling point for my stories has always sounded nearly impossible. Even as I prepared to release my first book, I knew […]

Celebrating Inclusive Stories

A Q&A with Disability Book Week Founder Mary Mecham Nicole Schroeder Author Mary Mecham is passionate enough about books to have a collection of almost three thousand of them in her house. “It’s basically a library here,” she jokes. She shares the passion with her two daughters, both of whom have rare genetic conditions that […]

Editor’s Letter: Strong Beginnings

Countless craft books and blogs will tell you that the beginning of your book needs to be some of your strongest writing. You have to introduce your narrator and your world and hook your reader into the story, often in a matter of just a few sentences.In some ways, your book’s launch serves the same […]

Editor’s Letter: Just a Little Out There

Raise your hand if you’re one of those authors who has acted out a scene when they’re writing it to make sure it would work. Keep it raised if you’ve ever mimed a facial expression at your computer screen to help yourself describe it, typed a questionable search into Google while researching for your work-in-progress, […]