Book Report Goes Wide

Robyn Sarty The Toronto Indie Author Conference in early May saw a new face in the indie author world. But though Toronto was his first conference, Liam Gray is not new to publishing. And the branded T-shirt he wore signified he’d been around for a while, as many recognized the iconic colorful circle logo of […]

Rounding up the Top Indie Author Events Taking Place in 2024

Preview This Year’s Calendar of Events for Indie Authors Robyn Sarty One of the highs of being an indie author is connecting with like-minded people, and the best places to do that are conferences and retreats. From broad-scope conferences covering everything from craft to marketing to smaller retreats, the industry has a range of events […]

2023 Author Events to Mark on Your Calendar for the New Year

More than a month has passed since 20Books Vegas 2022 came to an end. The nearly two thousand authors who attended have returned home and come down from the high of participating in the biggest indie author conference in the world. But for those same attendees, the lessons and new friends that came from the […]

It’s Time For Your Daring Adventure

“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus January is a month for fresh starts and looking forward to a year full of exciting possibilities. We’ve made our goals; we’ve set our plans in place. Now it’s time to put them into action.  […]

Puzzling Together Your Goals

Using Micro-Goals to Achieve Your Macro Dreams Robyn Sarty We often become overwhelmed when we focus on our big picture goals. But if we only consider what we accomplish each day, we’ll never know if we’re inching closer to our dream. Knowing both your micro- and macro-goals can help you focus and achieve more. Life […]

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”—Napoleon Hill

I’m a dreamer. I have a list a mile-long of books I want to write, places I want to visit, and ideas I want to chase. Sure, some of them are byproducts of Shiny Bright Object Syndrome, but many of them are things I’ve been dreaming about for years. And the list keeps getting longer […]

When Your Dreams Come True

“It’s delightful when your imaginations come true, isn’t it?” L. M. Montgomery Our books are the products of our imaginations, and though the stories within may not come to life, we can still hold our books in our hands, feel the tangible proof of what our minds have created.  For me, I didn’t believe I […]

It’s Time For Your Daring Adventure

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. – Helen Keller There comes a point in an author’s career when they need to be daring. For most of us, publishing the first book is our first bold step. But after that, we face the decisions of going full time, hiring staff, and what will […]

The Courage of Dreams

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney You’ve written your book, edited it until it shines, and now you’re ready to send it out into the world.  But how? What retailers should you use? What do all the terms mean? There are a lot of […]

Dancing in the Sunshine

Boosting Creativity with Vitamin D Vitamin D contains a little bit of magic. It plays a key role in overall health, improved sleep, emotional regulation, and cognitive function. Sunlight is the best way that we can gain vitamin D. It’s readily accessible to everyone, and has the added benefit of getting you out into the […]