Everyone Wants to Be a Mogul

Guest Author Russell Nohelty Examines the Transmedia Trend in the Indie Author World There’s genre hopping, and then there’s medium hopping. Depending on how you look at his career, Russell Nohelty has done both. As a USA Today bestselling author and the co-founder of Writer MBA and the Author Ecosystem archetypes, Nohelty has put his […]

OP-ED: AI Could Be Great, But It Has to Be Good First

Without Ethical Standards, AI Poses Risks to the Creative Industry As co-founder of the Future of Publishing Mastermind, people ask me about artificial intelligence (AI) a lot. Since I’ve been on several panels extolling the dangers of AI in creative industries, people think that I’m a Luddite.  However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. […]