The Indie Author’s Recipe for Cross-Genre Success

Megan Linski-Fox You’ve committed what is considered the grave sin of indie publishing—you’ve written a book that doesn’t cleanly fit into any specific genre or category. Hosts of fellow writers would tell you to immediately abandon the project because attempting to market or, heaven forbid, sell a novel with no easily identifiable audience is doomed […]

The Transformative Power of Transmedia Storytelling

Chelle Honiker In 2019, actor Henry Cavill brought monster slayer Geralt of Rivia to life in the series adaptation of The Witcher on Netflix. Thus, a new segment of fans was introduced to the elements of Andrzej Sapkowski’s world from the novels: the Continent, its fantastical monsters, and its beloved characters.  Originally begun as short […]

The Art of the Anthology: What You Need to Know Before You Submit

Nearly all writers want to make new author friends and boost their book marketing. One great way to do this is by writing for an anthology. But you should be aware of possible pitfalls before you take part, and it’s best to have a plan. Defining an Anthology An anthology is a book containing a […]

Finding Mr. Write: Your Guide to the Perfect Co-Writing Partner

Writing a book with another author can be like getting married. You have to settle multiple legalities and sign contracts before the writing even begins. Because this decision is so important, you must choose the right partner. Pairing up to complete a project with someone who’s an ill fit can prove to be more than […]

11 Ways to Earn More with Your Nonfiction Books

You’ve no doubt heard the truism, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” But if you’re a nonfiction author still selling on only one platform, your income eggs are tightly packed into one container. You can make money in a myriad of ways from your nonfiction backlist. Create multiple streams of income for yourself, […]

Indie Authors Weigh In on Whether Some Books Should Have Trigger Warnings

Author Mariel Pomeroy left a cautionary message for readers of her debut novel that is hard to miss. It’s printed on its own page in the front of the book just after the copyright. She also included it in the book’s product description and in her social media posts advertising the novel. A general statement […]

A Journalist’s Guide to the Perfect Press Release

When it comes to press releases, I’ve worked on both sides of the writing desk. I’ve stared at the same blank page that other authors—or editorial interns, in my case—have tried to craft into an interest-grabbing announcement, just like I’ve sorted through stacks of those announcements in my email inbox to find the ones worth […]

Managing Your ARC Reader Dream Team

An ARC (Advance Reader or Review Copy) team is a valuable tool in an indie author’s arsenal. An engaged ARC team can help you build momentum with solid reviews on launch as well as help with marketing. If your early readers like your book, they might also post about it on social media. Free word […]

What the Indie Author can Learn from the Sanderson Kickstarter

My dear friends greeted me at the door of their home, sat me down, placed a tablet in my hands, and pressed play. I got the e-book A Year of Sanderson. Bill, my husband, saw it later that night. He rolled his eyes at Sanderson’s heart-wrenching words of regret and declared that he wrote another […]