Editor’s Letter: Author Milestones

Ever since I started my author Instagram account, the app has been one of my biggest time sucks. A lot of it stems from the fact that I can—almost—justify the time I spend there as being productive. Watching other authors’ Reels and scrolling through aesthetic Bookstagram photos counts as research, right? But the app does […]

Editor’s Letter: More than Two Sides to the Story

At IAM, we have always prided ourselves on our ability to dissect and disseminate technology information for authors. From the beginning, we’ve understood the importance of having the right tools for your business and knowing how to use them. So it felt only right for us to dedicate an issue to breaking down the newest—and […]

Editor’s Letter: Journey to ‘The End’

Six months ago, I wrote “The End” on the first draft of my current manuscript. It was some time in the early evening, in the middle of the work week. I remember sitting on the floor beside my writing desk and pausing my music to type those final words.  I’ll admit it: there were a […]

Editor’s Letter: How Did You Meet Your Writing Group? 

One of this month’s features asks a handful of authors that exact question, and I always love hearing people’s responses. I met mine through Camp NaNoWriMo about eight years ago. (In fact, you can read about our group, the Treehouse of Writers, in the article!) During the summer sessions of the writing challenge, the site […]

Editor’s Letter: The Beauty of the Blank Page

I have an honest confession to make: I’ve been staring at my computer for a few minutes now, trying to figure out what I want this letter to say. I’ve fallen victim to the Curse of the Blank Page plenty of times. When editing is part of your day job, it makes it difficult to […]

Editor’s Letter: From the Desk of Santa Claus

One of my favorite parts of Christmas morning has always been reading the letter Santa Claus leaves for me and my siblings. My parents started the tradition when I was around five years old. Every year, we’d wake up to a letter that talked about everything we’d each accomplished that year and how proud we’d […]

Editor’s Letter: Let’s Connect

You'll be happier at work when you make some friends there. Two colleagues having lunch in

In American Sign Language, to sign the word “friend,” you hook your two pointer fingers together, then flip both hands over and repeat the action. When I was learning sign language in college, the website we used as a reference said to imagine your fingers were hugging. Instead, I like to think of things connecting. […]

From The Editor’s Desk

I’ve never considered myself particularly technology capable.  Sure, having grown up awash in new devices and an expanding internet, I’m probably more adept than I give myself credit for. But you can also guarantee I’ll need to ask for help from my more computer-savvy friends to set up a website. Over the years, Scrivener and […]

Editor’s Letter: Back to School

A few weeks ago, I spent an afternoon shopping for school supplies with my younger sister. She’ll be a freshman in college this year, attending the same university I did, and while I’m helping her prepare—showing her around campus, explaining how the bus system works and where to buy textbooks—I can’t help but feel nostalgic. […]

Editor’s Letter: Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself

As indie authors, we are constantly introducing ourselves: to other writers, to editors, to cover designers, and especially—ideally—to new readers. For a profession that can sometimes feel a bit lonely, we’re rarely going it alone, which makes our first impressions important … and all the more daunting.  Speaking of introductions, some of you might recognize […]