Free Followers to Engaged Superfans

How Authors Can Use Ream to Build a Subscription Business As indie authors increasingly move toward wide distribution and direct sales, subscription services may offer a way to expand marketing opportunities beyond ads and newsletters, as well as build a predictable source of revenue. Anne Janzer, author of Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in […]

From Bookshelf to Bookstore: Exploring’s Four Major Marketing Avenues

From Bookshelf to Bookstore: Exploring’s Four Major Marketing Avenues In the intricate tapestry of self-publishing, indie authors are constantly searching for ways to better control their income and their relationship with their readers. stands out not merely as another publishing platform but as a comprehensive solution to the dilemma. The platform supports a […]

The Future of Publishing Is … Wide

Since Amazon launched the earliest version of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in 2007, the business giant—which controls an estimated 50 percent or more of the online retail market in the US already—has maintained an unwavering influence over the self-publishing industry.  Sixteen years later, Amazon boasts 85 percent of the book market share, with Apple Books […]

Looking Ahead at … Direct

When Fantasy author Brandon Sanderson smashed Kickstarter records in March 2022—earning more than $41 million over the course of his campaign, almost half of that in the first seventy-two hours—he sparked a shift in the indie author world.  Sanderson was not the first to discover the potential for crowdfunding as part of an author’s launch […]

The Socials Experiment

Can Authors Leverage Generative AI for Their Social Media Strategy? Social media, in all its guises, is a fabulous way for authors to showcase their wares. We can promote our work and potentially attract a dedicated audience who will derive ongoing value from our writing and hopefully provide an income through future sales. However, for […]

The Key to Discoverability: How Your Book’s Keywords Connect You with Readers

How Well-Researched Keywords Influence Book Metadata Cracking the code of effective keyword use in book listings, book descriptions, and marketing can be intimidating. You need to be able to identify not only the language you believe describes your book but the language others may use to connect with it as well. Yet fine-tuning that language […]

Promo Newsletters for the Marketing Novice: How You Can Find Success

For the first couple of years after I became an indie author, I struggled to get sales. But when I changed my strategy to use paid promotional newsletters, my sales grew significantly. It took a big mindset change for me to offer my first-in-series for free, but it completely changed the trajectory of my author […]

Let Your Work Take Center Stage with Author Readings

Liv Honeywell Promoting your books can take any number of forms as you explore all the options available to readers. But if you’re looking for a way to attract a local audience to your story or meet readers at an in-person event, one option is to do an author reading. You get to read an […]

End Your Promo FOMO with These Paid Promo Newsletter Options

Promo Newsletter Options for Every Indie Author David Viergutz Authors have long sought ways to send their work to the masses. Pay-per-click ads, social media, direct sales events—there are a multitude of options, all with unique purposes.  The longstanding king of reaching readers has been through email, where one email blast can send your book […]

10 Tips for: Facebook Groups

More than nineteen years since it launched, Facebook is still the largest social media platform, with three billion users in January 2023, according to DataReportal ( But organic reach on Facebook Pages is declining as paid traffic takes over user’s feeds. According to Hootsuite, the average organic Facebook Page post now sees engagement from 0.07 […]