Editing is a Process That Many of us Love to Hate.

I’ve found that the right editor makes the process much more enjoyable and profitable. The right editor makes your words shine while keeping your voice. Mine makes me sound like me, but better! If you’re looking for an editor, I recommend our advanced article this month, The Perfect Polish. Finding the editor that’s right for you and what you write can be a process, so don’t give up until you find the right fit.

Hearing criticism, no matter how important it is or correct it is, can still be difficult. Our MINDSET Check Up article will give you some great pointers to get back on track. I would add a caveat to remember that your writing is not all of who you are. It’s a part of you, but you are still a valuable person of significance even if your manuscript comes back with lots of red.

Writing is an adventure. Adventures require course corrections along the way. It’s part of blazing a new trail and exploring possibilities. Never forget how courageous your willingness to go off the beaten path is. You are amazing—even with a bit of red ink now and then.