From The Editor

As much as I’d like to say otherwise, there is no guidebook for being an indie author. I’ll admit, it would be a great way to market this magazine. But the same freedom that drove so many to explore our industry means every one of us approaches our business differently than the next. We’re authors; we write our own guidebooks.

As we reach the middle of the unofficial author events season, the fact that so many of us forge our own paths makes it easy to see why conferences and workshops are so popular. They’re amazing for building community and connecting us with others who speak our language. Where else can you introduce yourself by your genre or outline a short story over dinner? They’re also a chance for us to learn about what’s been done, what hasn’t, what’s worked for others, and what mistakes we can avoid repeating. They still allow us to find our own paths, but they give us flashlights to light our way and introduce us to friends who will tell us to keep going when the road ahead is foggy.

Events aren’t the only place to find this support, however. Help and friendship are everywhere in our industry, if you know where to look. In this issue, we’re introducing you to Indie Author Training (, the newest sister site to Indie Author Magazine and one such gathering place for authors. As you’ll read in the feature by Karen Guyler, Indie Author Training’s director of community and content, the platform is a marketplace for courses, product tours, live webinars, or a chance to converse with other authors. “It’s a beacon for those navigating the indie publishing landscape,” according to the website, no matter what path you’ve chosen or how long you’ve been mapping it. 

We hope that beacon will shine a light on the right path for your author journey. I, for one, can’t wait to see where it leads you.

Nicole Schroeder

Editor in Chief