IAT Roundup

If there’s one thing we can be certain of in our indie author careers, it’s that things change constantly, and trying to keep up can be a real time sink. But how can you progress, streamline, and enhance your career when you don’t know what you don’t know? That’s where our sister site, Indie Author Training, comes in, a one-stop place that offers education, community, and tools for storytellers. 

Our kick-off series of webinars in April, hosted by IAM’s publisher, Chelle Honiker, covered topics such as AI use cases, direct sales for indie authors, and an introduction to Zapier and its potential to revolutionize your marketing strategies. 

In our webinar on time management, Honiker talked about using ultradian rhythms when batching and time blocking and gave examples of apps and software that can help streamline your writing time. In our outside-the-box thinking webinar, Indie Author Training’s Karen Guyler presented ideas for incorporating health and wellness in your writing regime, from the 20-20-20 rule to exercise snacking to stimulate your thought processes. You can check out the replays at https://indieauthortraining.com/webinars/time-management-for-indie-authors and https://indieauthortraining.com/webinars/outside-the-box-thinking-for-indie-authors.

In May we welcomed Romance author Ines Johnson’s first Trope of the Month webinar on hidden identity. Learn all about this narrative goldmine that combines mystery and suspense, as well as the universal quest for true love and self-discovery, at the replay here: https://indieauthortraining.com/webinars/hidden-identity-trope-with-ines-johnson. Johnson will be back with another trope soon. 

We’re finalizing the webinars for this coming month, so rush over to https://indieauthortraining.com/webinars to see what will help you in your career.

In our discussion groups, the author accountability discussion on the productivity thread has been especially popular. This is a low-input, quasi-anonymous way to help you be accountable to yourself with the added bonus of cheerleading, if that motivates you. Check it out at https://indieauthortraining.com/groups/productivity/forum/topic/author-accountability.

New webinars, courses, and product tours are coming online every week, and our discussion groups are always open for members to chat with one another, ask questions of thought leaders in the industry, and share tips without being subject to the whims of an algorithm. You can create an account for free at https://indieauthortraining.com/register.

Karen Guyler