Let Your Cover Sing

As writers, we want readers to love our book as much as we do, so it behooves us to give it the best possible cover that we can. Whether it’s designing one ourselves, purchasing a premade, or commissioning a custom cover, we want the cover to capture the reader’s attention. 

The cover helps us come to a conclusion about the content of that book. As readers, we want to know if the book fits our preferences for genre, tropes, even heat levels, and we trust the cover to tell us some of that information before we ever get to the blurb. 

This month, we have articles that will help you with all of those things. We also take a look at what it means to write a serial. And if you’re wanting to write Small Town Romances, we’ve got the perfect recipe to get you started.

Let your cover sing and spark the reader’s imagination of what the story within contains.