Editor’s Letter: Your Career, Your Way

Another year is nearly complete, and I feel confident saying it’s been a busy one for most of us. It’s one of the side effects of being an indie author, after all. Generally, the word “leisurely” is not in our vocabulary.

If you’re anything like me, at this point, your schedule is probably filled with last-minute to-dos as you prepare for the holidays—another chapter to write, a final invoice to pay, a few more social media posts to schedule. Or maybe you’ve planned ahead and are taking this month as a reset button. Instead of looking at what you want to finish in 2023, these last couple of weeks of the year will be about setting goals for the next one.

I won’t pretend I’m not jealous of people in the second group; I’ve always wished I could be the person who “cleaned house” before a vacation, so to speak. But no matter which group you’re in, it’s important to recognize both approaches are valid. The same advice we’ve heard about writing—that no one can tell the story you’ve imagined except you—can apply to our businesses as well. And as we’ll explore in this month’s issue, there’s no right way to manage any part of your career. We’re all carving our own paths in this industry, whether that’s in the stories we write, the financial decisions we make, or the tools we use. Take a moment to celebrate what you’ve already accomplished, then keep creating the stories your readers want in the way that works best for you.On that note, thank you for trusting Indie Author Magazine to help you find your path this year. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season, and we look forward to sharing more industry insights with you in 2024!