On Brand

Six Steps to Perfecting Your Business’s Brand and Attracting the Right Readers

Angela Archer

“Brand or be branded,” says branding expert Deb Gabor, bestselling author of Branding Is Sex. Even if you don’t have a personal brand, your readers are already branding you. The impression you leave—intentionally or not—will stick, and it will shape how your work is perceived and remembered.

For a self-published author, building a strong personal brand helps you to control that perception, stand out from the crowd, and build a lasting connection with your audience. Personal branding is the art of shaping and managing how you are perceived by others. For authors, it goes beyond promoting your books; it’s about creating a compelling narrative around who you are as a writer. This involves your personality, values, expertise, and public image, which all come together to form your unique identity. A strong personal brand can help you gain credibility, attract loyal readers, and differentiate you from your peers.

Key Elements of Personal Branding

The key elements of authenticity, consistency, value proposition, and engagement serve as the blueprint for aligning your business with your unique identity and values. From conveying your voice to building meaningful relationships with your audience, incorporating these elements into every interaction will strengthen your personal brand and set you apart.


Authenticity forms the foundation of a strong personal brand. To create a genuine connection with your audience, you need to stay true to yourself, conveying your unique voice, beliefs, and passions in every interaction. Authenticity doesn’t just mean being honest; it also means allowing your personality to shine through in your communication.

Readers appreciate authors who are transparent about their journey, including the challenges and triumphs along the way. Whether you’re sharing your writing process, talking about your inspirations, or discussing the themes in your books, it’s essential to be sincere. This approach not only helps to build trust with your audience but also sets you apart in a world where authenticity can be rare. When your audience feels they know the real you, they’re more likely to become invested in your work and support your career.

Pro Tip: Remember, you can still be authentic even if your brand is built around a pen name or a fictional character. The key is to be consistent with the voice and values your brand persona conveys.


Consistency is the glue that holds your personal brand together, helping you build brand recognition and trust. To maintain a cohesive presence across platforms, you need to ensure your messaging, imagery, and overall style are aligned. This means using a consistent tone in your communications, having a recognizable visual identity, and keeping your branding elements uniform. 

From your website and social media profiles to book covers and promotional materials, consistency creates a sense of reliability for readers. It also makes it easier for them to recognize your work at a glance, whether they’re browsing online or attending a book event. Inconsistent branding can confuse your audience and weaken your brand’s impact. By committing to a consistent approach, you reinforce your identity and make it easier for your audience to engage with and remember you.

Value Proposition

A clear value proposition acts as a North Star, serving as a unique and persuasive statement that communicates why readers should be interested in their work. For example, an author specializing in Psychological Thrillers may emphasize their ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and turns. Another author focusing on heartwarming Romance novels might highlight their talent for creating emotionally resonant love stories that leave readers feeling uplifted. 

These examples of value propositions can be effectively integrated into an author’s branding and advertising strategies. Authors can feature these unique selling points as a tagline on their websites, in their social media profiles, and alongside other marketing assets to attract the attention of the right readers. By consistently reinforcing these key elements of their value proposition across different marketing channels, authors can cultivate a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with their target audience, ultimately driving increased visibility and sales for their books.


Personal branding isn’t just about sending messages; it’s about creating meaningful connections with your audience. Engagement is key to building these relationships, and it involves more than just sharing that you have a new book out. To truly engage with your audience, you need to create opportunities for interaction and dialogue, be it through social media, newsletters, blog posts, and events, where you can connect with readers on a personal level. 

Responding to comments, answering questions, and asking for feedback are all effective ways to foster engagement. Additionally, hosting live sessions, Q&A events, or virtual book clubs can create a sense of community among your readers. By engaging with your audience in meaningful ways, you show that you value their input and are interested in building a lasting relationship. This not only strengthens your personal brand but also encourages readers to become advocates for your work, helping to spread the word and attract new fans.

Personal Branding Strategies

Creating a successful personal brand means crafting a unique identity that resonates with your audience. This involves developing a strategy for conveying your brand’s message and purpose. The following six steps can help break down the process and make it easier to identify the building blocks that will ultimately define your brand in readers’ eyes. 

  1. Define Your Author Persona

A clearly defined author persona offers continuity in your messaging and ensures your brand connects with your desired audience. Reflect on your values, interests, and writing style to create a cohesive and authentic brand identity. Consider what makes you unique as an author and what aspects of your personality you want to share with your audience. This persona will steer your marketing and branding choices going forward. For newer authors, it can take time to develop these guidelines, but for seasoned authors, it may simply be a matter of finding the aspects of your business that you’ve connected with the most or that you’d want your readers to highlight in reviews. 

  1. Develop a Compelling Author Bio

An author bio is like a snapshot of who you are and what you stand for. Creating an engaging author bio goes beyond just listing your background and achievements. It serves as a crucial element of your author brand, shaping how readers perceive you. For instance, a mystery writer’s bio may incorporate elements that reflect the intrigue or suspense they weave into their stories. By infusing your bio with personality and aligning it with the themes of your work, you can reinforce your identity and leave a lasting impression on your readers. A memorable author bio can be a powerful tool for attracting readers and leaving a lasting impression, so take the time to craft it carefully.

Pro Tip: Traditionally, author bios are written in the third person and should be concise and to the point, ranging from a few sentences to a short paragraph. However, don’t be afraid to experiment with writing your bio in the first person if it better suits your brand and genre. This can help establish a more personal connection with your readers and showcase your individuality as an author. 

  1. Create Consistent Branding Elements

Authors can convey their brand’s message and make their work more immediately identifiable through certain visual elements common across all platforms and materials, such as cohesive color schemes, typography, and imagery that align with their genre and brand identity. 

Enlist the help of a designer or use online platforms that offer logo and color scheme creation services to ensure your branding aligns with your genre, style, personal aesthetic, and brand message or theme. This support can save you time and effort while allowing you to still present a polished and professional image to your audience.

  1. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital age, a solid online presence is crucial for personal branding. Start by establishing a professional website or landing page that showcases your books, author bio, blog posts, and upcoming events. This website should be easy to navigate and visually appealing, providing a hub for all things related to your writing. In addition to your website, either maintain an active profile on social media frequented by your target audience or find a communication channel that works for you, such as an online newsletter. Engage with followers by sharing content related to your writing niche and responding to comments and messages. A strong online presence not only helps you reach a wider audience but also allows you to build meaningful connections with readers. Plus, you’ll be able to reiterate your brand and its message in each of your interactions.

  1. Collaborate and Network

By teaming up with fellow authors in the same or similar genres, influencers who align with their brand, and industry experts, authors can broaden their audience reach through joint promotions, guest blog posts, interviews, and virtual events. 

This collaborative approach not only increases visibility and therefore brand awareness, but it also lends credibility by associating you with other established figures in the field. Moreover, networking with industry professionals can provide valuable insights and opportunities for your continued growth, especially if they have an established relationship with your target audience. 

  1. Monitor and Adapt Your Strategy

Personal branding is not a one-time effort; it requires continuous refinement and adaptation. To keep your brand fresh and relevant, seek feedback from readers, peers, and mentors. This feedback can provide insights into how your brand is perceived and highlight areas for improvement. Use this information to adjust your branding strategy, whether that means refining your messaging, updating your visual elements, or changing your engagement approach. By continuously iterating on your personal brand, you can ensure that it remains effective and resonates with your target audience as much as possible, ultimately helping you build a stronger connection with your readers.

By incorporating these strategies into your marketing efforts, the possibilities for growth and success are limitless. It can take time to build a personal brand. But focusing on authenticity, consistency, and engagement will help you develop a brand that stands out, connects with readers, and ultimately creates a loyal fan base. 

Angela Archer