Oriana Leckert

Indie Author Magazine: On an individual level, direct publishing can equate to greater control over titles, greater royalties, and a closer relationship with readers. What will the trend of authors publishing direct mean for the industry as a whole?

Oriana Leckert: I think we’re in a thrilling moment of creative autonomy, where authors and content creators of all kinds are seizing control of every aspect of their work, from writing what they want, to building the audience they want, to producing, marketing, and distributing books in precisely the ways they want to do so. I believe this will continue the trend of fragmented creative spaces, where authors gather smaller but more passionate communities of readers around them, forging closer relationships with their audiences, often inviting these supporters to participate in shaping their creative output. Authors have more avenues than ever to bring their books into the world, which I believe can only enhance the quality, quantity, and variety of creative work all across the industry.