Prosperity: A Money Mindset Reset

Honorée Corder

These days, everywhere you look, you’ll hear book recommendations, podcast conversations, and articles like this one suggesting that working on your money mindset is the way to go.

And of course, I agree wholeheartedly. What you focus on expands. This includes your money mindset, which directly impacts your income—and yes, that includes your writing income.

What you might not know is exactly how to work on your money mindset, so allow me to go “inside baseball” on how I jumped from making five to six and even seven figures from my writing. 

Step One: Dial up your personal conviction, and line your path with unstoppable self-confidence. You might currently be full of doubts, insecurities, and impostor syndrome (and if you don’t have any of these, no need to order them from Amazon Prime). You must first believe you can earn a living as a writer—an abundant living, in fact—before it will happen. The fastest path to an unshakable money mindset is to define and reinforce it through a consistent daily ritual.

Step Two: Reinforce your mindset daily. Just as you must brush your teeth and take a shower daily, your mindset requires the same constant attention. Every morning, before I speak to another person, I talk to myself. I say, write, and read positive, present-tense affirmations using an app called ThinkUp and my journal. The app is great for recording all of those great things you need to tell yourself so that your subconscious mind can begin to work on your behalf. Writing the words is another way to lay those neural pathways.

Step Three: Speaking of your subconscious mind, do some daily reading to up-level your money mindset. I’m sure you’ve heard of GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). I changed it to mean “good stuff in, good stuff out.” Reading just a few pages of positive content daily will reinforce that you can do it—whatever “it” is. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, and The Power of Consistency by Weldon Long are good places to start, as is Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill if you want a money-focused title to add to the pile. 

Step Four: Do the work. Once you have expanded your mindset, the money will follow—but only if you do the work. Reading, writing, and saying positive words won’t necessarily mean money jumps right into your bank account. You’ll be well served to identify the habits that coincide with the money mindset you’ve developed. But guess what, sparky? This is where the magic happens. Mindset plus habits equals making a living as a writer.

Step Five: Rinse and repeat. Many of the people in my life all say the same thing about me: I’m consistent. Whoopee! That doesn’t blow my hair back, for sure, but it does allow a line of sight to how I get great results year in and year out. I do all of those steps, and I never miss a day. It’s not sexy or exciting, but it is effective.

Allow me to end with this: you can get wherever you want to go; all you need to do is focus on your mindset. It really is that simple.

Happy writing!

Honorée Corder