Step-by-Step Success

Achieve the Work-Life Balancing Act a Little Bit at a Time

Alice Briggs

An author’s career is a long game. Life-changing success rarely comes after writing one or two books. Whether you’re publishing a book every month or every year, keeping to your schedule is the best way to meet your goals. But are you also accommodating your lifestyle goals in the process?

In the short term, we can work every waking hour. But is that why you became a writer? Or did you picture yourself spending more time with your family? Did you want more flexibility and freedom? 

I’m guessing you didn’t want to be a slave to your writing. Or maybe your life took an unexpected turn and you’re struggling to keep up your earlier pace.

The secret is not to set yourself up for failure. Building a buffer in your life is a great way to succeed at all your goals. 

If you’re looking to create more flexibility and space in your life, consider the following:

  1. How much time do you have to dedicate to your work each day, week, and month? 
  2. How much time will you spend with your family, on vacation, traveling, or on your other lifestyle goals?
  3. Do you have any health issues that flare up?

When setting and implementing boundaries, success is not just your goal. It’s your secret weapon. Successes large and small give your body a dopamine hit and are highly motivating. 

Structure your goals and break them down into small pieces for quick wins that build momentum. Create annual goals, quarterly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals, and even hourly goals—however granular you need to get so you can get those successes and those dopamine hits. Small steps that make up larger steps will get you to your end goal.

Alice Briggs